(...) On 22October, Allen stood before the lion-faced doorbell of the narrow three-floor house on Calle Querini that Olga Rudge had owned since 1928. Pound was silent throughout the visit. (...) Allen recorded in his journals: 'He had come upstairs swiftly when I asked him to listen, and folded self in chair, silent hands crossed on lap, picking at skin, absorbed.' Allen put on the Beatles' 'Eleanor Rigby' and 'Yellow Submarine'. Pound smiled lightly at the line 'no one was saved'. Allen played Dylan's 'Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands', and 'Gates of Eden', sometimes repeating words aloud for Pound to hear clearly. Allen even brought along Donovan's 'Sunshine Superman'. (...)'Sat there all along,' Allen wrote. 'I drunk, he impassive, earnest, attentive, asmile.' Allen continued the concert by chanting mantras to Krishna, Tara and Manjusri. Hearing the Manjusri mantra, Olga Rudge came to the top floor ...